Industry News

Elmer’s Products Foam Board Sustainability Commitment

At Elmer’s Products, there is a belief that responsible actions lead to long-term success. They want to assure consumers and retailers alike that their products, when used as intended, are safe through their entire life cycle. Their continued cultural dedication makes our communities safer and promotes a cleaner environment for future generations to enjoy. From the workplace to the classroom, they integrate sustainable initiatives into their daily routines.

Reduce- Their foaming agent is 100% ozone-friendly and the process is formaldehyde-free.

Their Statesville, NC, plant has been recognized for its commitment to reducing energy consumption through low-energy, programmable lighting efforts, installation of programmable thermostats and adoption of intermodal transportation.

Additionally, their Statesville plant has reduced its number of annual non-recyclable solid waste loads by 10% or more on average.

Reuse- Foam board byproducts are reused as a fuel source to recover heat value, reducing the amount of electricity used.

Their Statesville facility reuses wooden and plastic pallets and recycles damaged ones that are no longer able to be used.

They continue to donate damaged electronics to local community colleges for repair and reuse versus simple disposal.

Recycle- Their Foam Board products contain recycled content, both internally and externally generated.

The Statesville facility implemented a massive recycling program to recycle as many materials associated with the production process as possible including scrap foam, corrugate, paper, blister cards, scrap shrink and stretch wrap, batteries and PET bands.

In 2010, the recycling program kept over 700,000 lbs. of materials from landfills.

With more than 30 years of category leadership and strong corporate values, they are dedicated to ensuring we meet our customers’ needs and provide quality, environmentally conscious products. They believe their performance-driven products paired with sound environmental practices will yield long-term success and enjoyment by generations to come.


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