
Inside MacPherson’s: Unsung Heroes of the DCs, Elgin Packing Dept.

p5090012MacPherson’s Elgin packing department is a strong  four-person team consisting  of Oscar Garcia, Mike  Anderson, Salvador Corona and Toy Sayasane. Their work is divided among  three packers and one box  maker. These guys are at the eye of the hurricane. Being physically located in the middle of the distribution center, and between the steps of picking and shipping, this team is sort of ‘the meat between the bread.’ Their job is to carefully pack orders, ensuring that customers receive their orders in perfect condition. The reputation of the  company relies on the quality of each order, so the importance  of protecting the items going out cannot be overstated. If stuff is damaged in transport it triggers a cascade of time consuming, non-productive activities for both our customers and us.

The  packing department serves external customers such as our diverse and many independent retailers as well as our chain store customers. These amazing guys also serve their internal customers in the picking and  shipping departments. The great teamwork that takes place in this department is what makes them most special. Within the group, Salvador is  the most senior member of the department with five years of  experience at MacPherson’s and Mike is the newest addition, having joined us last summer. Outside of work, watching sports and movies are popular activities among these  four.

Department Buzzwords

Case sealer – Automatic box taper
2 inch small/large – Popular sizes of boxes for paper stock
Pillows – Inflatable bags for package cushioning
Corners – Cardboard inserts to protect corners of paper
‘Push it’ – Place the matchup boxes on the conveyor

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